Tips to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

As many of you know, I am pretty active on LinkedIn. There’s a great community of SEO consultants on LinkedIn, and a lot of us write posts there. I will occasionally comment on articles, publish my own content and take part in polls. I’ve acquired a few clients from LinkedIn and I haven’t spent a dime in advertising on the platform. I, like many professionals, take advantage of the platform’s tools and publishing features.

I was recently featured in an article for LocalIQ with other professionals about tips you can use to enhance your profile. While there are some basics like using a good head shot for your profile picture, filling out all of the profile fields and posting frequently, there are also a few less common recommendations. Some of these include catchy headlines, using keywords in the profile’s text and adding images to the profile. My contribution to the article is to make a profile accessible. One great way to do this is by recording how your name is pronounced. This allows others, especially in other countries, to know how to pronounce your name. Additionally, for anyone who might be using a screen reader, a recorded name will help them out.

There were a lot of great suggestions and I highly recommend taking a look at the article here:


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