Featured On Chantel Arnett’s Blog

Chantel Arnett, a blogging expert and coach to grow online income, recently put together a post of “SEO Tips for Beginners“. Yours truly had the pleasure of providing a comment in the roundup on how to acquire links for an SEO campaign just starting out.

Here are the ideas I provided:

1 – Use Local Listings & Directories for Links

If you’re trying to rank a site locally, the first thing you should do is build up a backlink profile from localized sources. Find directories and citation sources related to your industry. You’ll have the opportunity to list name, address and phone (NAP) info and earn a highly relevant backlink. Plus, in most cases, publishing the listing info is 100% free.

As a local SEO consultant in Sacramento, directories and citations are a couple of my favorite go-to places for link development.

2 – Build Links from Broken Links

The internet has been around for a long time and over time sites come and go. Some site owners forget to renew their domains and some businesses shut down completely. In any case, there’s a good chance there are broken links in articles and blogs that you can use to point to your pages. Using SEO tools, find sites with broken links who are talking about products / services / industries related to yours. Craft a well-written email to the site owner explaining where you saw the broken link and offer your content as a suggestion to fix the broken link. It requires a lot of outreach, but when done correctly, you’ll have highly relevant links at a low cost.

3 – Use HARO

Also on the topic of low cost link acquisition is HARO – Help A Report Out. This tool is ran by the PR giant, Cision, and allows journalists and contributors to work together on articles and pieces of content. A journalist will post a query looking for content from writers and in return, the writer / contributor to the article receives a backlink in their bio section. It’s another way to get a highly relevant link and it only requires a bit of time.

Check out the full article from Chantel Arnett to see more about my tips and advice from other SEOS: https://www.chantelarnett.com/seo-tips-for-beginners/.


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